#2_Grand Canyon Winter Break Trip

This winter break I went on many adventures, with my friends and family. One of the most fun adventures was to the Grand Canyon. My two older sisters, Arlee Ann and Mariah, my younger sister, Maddy, and I all drove up there for the day. It was about a 3 and a half hour drive for us, but the road trip was fun. When we got there we were all super excited because none of us had seen the Grand Canyon before.

Our first view of the Grand Canyon
I wore white shoes, which was a big mistake
Arlee Ann and I
Mariah, Maddy, Arlee Ann, and I  

Arlee Ann doing a head stand
Arlee Ann and Maddy
I climbed down the side of the rock to take this picture
Arlee Ann and Maddy being dangerous 

Climbing back up the rocks 

Probably the most perfect tree I have ever seen

Me attempting to take a cute picture 

Arlee Ann

Saw some super cute white tail deer

                                                     and also some elk

It was an amazing experience with some amazing people.

All in all this was an amazing adventure. Hope you enjoyed my pictures.



  1. These are some really nice pictures! Did you hike down at all or just stay on and around the rim of the canyon?

  2. Further writing and content needed on this self-generated post. It's a great topic but you still need the same organization/approach and need to make a point aside from just including several pictures.

  3. As a visual person, I enjoy having plenty of pictures on a blog. The view from any side of the Grand Canyon is gorgeous and your post makes me more interested in going back sometime soon.

  4. As of 3.19.17, there are no new posts on your blog.


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