#9_Luke Frankin The Goldfish

On February 11, 2017 I went to a carnival called Gold Rush, in Wickenburg, AZ. At this carnival there was games and rides. At one of the games the prize was a fish. My friend Sedona’s younger brother Eric and his friend Luke both won a fish. Luke’s fish was very small so he had put him in a water bottle and being a boy was trying to get people to drink it. He obviously didn’t want the fish so he offered to give him to me.
I was beyond excited! I went to a thrift store and bought a fishbowl and shells right away. I had never had a fish before and I have always loved animals. I had been planning to get a fish for awhile but just never got around to it. I’m not aloud to have any other pets besides that where I live so I really wanted to get one.
I decided to name the fish Luke Frankin after the kid who gave it to me and my friend Jaxon told me the name Frankin was good so I went with that too. Luke Frankin also has several last names. His full name is Luke Frankin Duran Christensen Erichsen Johnson Perkins Spillane. It’s quite the mouthful but these are the last names of all his “parents”(my close friends).
After having Luke Frankin for about a month one of his mother's, Nikki, got a betta fish, Ace, so we put there tanks next to each other. The two fish would sit there and stare at each other. Nikki and I found this very entertaining. A couple weeks later she went and bought a bigger tank with a different group of fish. We decided that Luke Franking needed company so we put him in with her fish. Unfortunately we had bad luck with her fish and two of them got stuck in the filter and passed away.  She later went and got two more fish. Now we have a happy family of 5. Ace the betta fish, Tropper one of Nikki’s original fish who survived, Simba a small colorful fish, Duke a black and white spotted fish, and Luke Frankin my goldfish.
After having Luke Frankin for over 2 months I am so happy that I saved him from a bad life. It’s amazing how something so simple and small can make you so happy and just be entertaining and add to your life.


  1. that's story is very interesting and the last names of Luke franlin are funny. your family got bigger now. Good luck

  2. Develop your final point in this post further. That is the purpose of this post that readers will be able to connect with aside from reading a story about how you came to own and name a fish.

  3. nice story, always so beautiful up north.


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