#10_Last Entry

For this last blog entry I'm going to again talk just about blogs one last time. Blogging is something that I have come to kind of enjoy. It's never anything I have known about until this past year. I never really paid attention to what I was reading or the amount of time the author had put into it. Blogs are a form of expression. It's someone writing about a topic or idea that they have done research on or feel very strongly about. It's a way for someone to express themselves with words, pictures, and ideas. Many young adults today keep personal blogs to record their lives and share their lives with other people. It's such a good idea to do this because then in 10, 20, 30 years you can look back on it and read about what your interests were and what your life was all about at that point in time. It's a passion that a lot of people look past.
In my blog English 101 I have written about a variety of different ideas and topics. All of which are very interesting to me, even though half of them were assigned topics. I enjoyed coming up with my own ideas for each of these posts and finding pictures to represent and develop what I was trying to say. 
Overall I really enjoyed this project of creating my own blog and hope my fellow peers did also. If you’re reading this and haven’t tried writing a blog you should jump to it because you never know how much you might enjoy it or how wonderful it might be to look back on!

Peace English 101


  1. I also really enjoyed the blog project, it was a fun way to get my ideas out into the world.

  2. I'm glad you grew to like and appreciate the project.


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